About us

CEO & Owner Christina develops creative concepts for brands and events in her own unique way.  With her deep experience in the event industry she is in charge of handling various projects. Her passion is to uncover brands and help them gain visibility.

Music Curator Maximilian creates soundtracks for brands and events. With his excellent taste and extensive knowledge of music, he make sure every event tells its own story in a custom crafted universe.

Communication Specialist Alicia is responsible for public relations and corporate communication. She has the right combination of creative and management talents.

Art Curator Renate is in charge of acquiring artworks.

Our philosophy

Objet Envie is a Switzerland based and owner-run, not classical agency, specialized in a wide area of expertise within interior design and the brand boosting and event field. Our business activities range from sustainable, creative and aesthetic interior design solutions for homes, shops, offices, restaurants and hotels over boosting your brand and image and creating tailor-made events.

First and foremost, we view ourselves as a consulting agency charged with supporting our clients in their various projects.
After establishing a strategy and a design, some of our clients ask for our support in maintaining the various tools. We make sure that your project is conceptualized and carried out consistently. We are often asked to implement our strategy directly at events in order to guarantee the project’s success.